16 March 2007

I was reading my newsfeeds on Bloglines and came across an article about Google Image Ripper. Instead of only seeing thumbnails of the images you want, it compiles all the images in full-size on one page. The writer of the article searched for "finger" and this is one of the pictures it found. Nice, huh?

I expect shit like this from celebrities, teenagers, etc...but not the President of the US! I despise the guy...his speeches are ridiculous (bushisms anyone?), his foreign policy, educational policies and everything else to do with his time in office BLOWS. But with this picture, the man has dropped to a new low.

See America? This is what you voted for.


Amber said...

Well, if that isn't the be all and end all, I don't know what is. I'm no southern belle, but I'm very disconcerted by the influx of evidence that modern-day society is charging toward an ill-mannered ruin. Whatever happened to gentility?

Dylan said...

This picture is photo shopped.