27 August 2006


This is the most appalling thing I have read in a very long time. On Xanga there are entire blogrings dedicated to girls and boys who are anorexic. They're not support groups encouraging treatment; they're groups encouraging MORE weight loss. I don't understand it. Why is such an awful medical and psychological problem being put on a pedestal? Kids need positive images to help them develop high self-esteem and a positive body image. They don't need to sign online to see sites dedicated to negative body images and eating disorders.

I am a psychology major and I know just how serious eating disorders are. I know that these girls and boys have a serious mental disorder. It should not be encouraged and revered. These kids should be pointed towards places they can get help. Their parents need to know what their kids are blogging about and put a stop to it.

I know as well as any other young person that there is tremendous pressure to be thin and beautiful. Kids need to stop looking up to super-thin supermodels and actresses/musicians who are nothing but skin and bones. The parents of the nation need to instill in their children at a young age that they're beautiful just the way they are. It doesn't matter if you're a size 0 or a size 20. You're beautiful. Nothing is worth starving yourself over.

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