12 February 2007

Trimspa Baby!

So as everyone in the world knows, Anna Nicole Smith is dead. Tragic, I know. The woman was under an outrageous amount of stress with her son dying, the new baby, legal battles over who the baby's father is...losing 70 pounds in 3 months taking her from 224 to 130 (at 5'11" that's WAY under weight!). They had live coverage on CNN for about 6 hours the day it happened...also on all the Atlanta radio stations. But, I was able to find some humor in the situation. I realize this makes me a horrible person--but I really don't care.

My family and I were watching CNN and The Situation Room with Jack Cafferty and Wolf Blitzer came on. In the beginning they were still showing coverage of Anna Nicole Smith. Then, Jack made the best news blunder (that I'm pretty sure was on purpose) by asking, "So is um...Anna Nicole Smith still dead, Wolf?"

Wolf Blitzer responded by saying something to the effect of "Yes Jack. Uh, we're going to update our viewers shortly." Jack Cafferty's smart ass remark made VH1's Best Week Ever. I thought it was hilarious. My mother, on the other hand, thought it was despicable and wrong and everything else negative in the world. It's sad that she couldn't find the humor in it. Lots of people on You Tube and Google Video are appalled at the remark. I'm upset by this.

Anna Nicole Smith spent the last year of her life making appearances and sounding completely trashed at press conferences. What the hell? It is tragic that she died. I bet Trimspa is going to lose a lot of business (HAH!). And...the saddest thing at all is that she won't be remembered for being a playboy playmate or a Marilyn Monroe look-a-like, she'll be remembered for drunkenly slurring, "Trimspa, Baby!" all over the world.

Here is the video of Jack Cafferty making the "is she still dead" statement.

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